Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Top 30 Memories from 26 Years of Race Weekends at Atlanta Motor Speedway

Top 30 Memories from 26 Years of Race Weekends at Atlanta Motor Speedway

by Mike Fuori on Tuesday, August 9, 2011 at 2:47pm ·

#26- Halloween at Atlanta Motor Speedway: Fire Marshall Bill and the Hollywood Socialites

The fall race in Atlanta used to be held at the end of October, usually on the weekend of or before Halloween.  Lots of fans in the infield would actually get dressed up for the occasion and walk around the infield, some with their kids so they could trick-or-treat or mostly just wear their costumes, since candy probably isn’t the most common item in most campsites in the infield, and I doubt the kids’ parents would appreciate people putting beer in their baskets.  On second thought… maybe they would.

Anyway, adults took part too and we saw some crazy costumes at times, some disturbing (any of you in the race crew remember the guy with the apron?), some funny, and probably saw a few “costume malfunctions”… but we’ll all never forget the night Fire Marshall Bill came stumbling along the road by our camp.  If you don’t remember the show “In Living Color” and the character Jim Carrey portrayed, you won’t get this, but this guy was shirtless, drunk, had a fireman hat on and a bunch of bottle rockets in his hands.  Great combination right?  He would find anyone he could, walk up to them and sounding just like Jim Carrey say “let me show you something!”, then proceed to light a bottle rocket in his hand.  He then started putting them in his mouth and lighting them.  Never even flinched.  After doing this 3 or 4 times, he stumbled on down the road, and we never saw him again. 

We were even visited by Britney Spears and Paris Hilton one year.  At least that’s who they were supposed to be.  I’ll let you decide. The picture is attached. (((shaking my head)))

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