Saturday, August 4, 2012

Top 30 Memories from 26 Years of Race Weekends at Atlanta Motor Speedway

27 days until the Advocare 500 at Atlanta Motor Speedway!  Here's my 27th favorite memory from now 26 consecutive years attending races at AMS!  (Written last year)

 Top 30 Memories from 26 Years of Race Weekends at Atlanta Motor Speedway

by Mike Fuori on Monday, August 8, 2011 at 1:35pm ·
#27: Answering a drifter's prayers?

My dad used to work for a company whose office was in the heart of downtown Atlanta, and not exactly the best part of the city if I remember.  For some reason, we had to stop at his office on the way to the track, and while driving through downtown Atlanta, the tailgate flew open, and some of our stuff went tumbling out of the back of the truck.  I remember seeing in the rear view mirror our kerosene heater laying in the street, and also our video camera, which then got hit by a passing car (yeah, we were really smart and put it in a box right up against the tailgate).  It was trashed.  We stopped and managed to pick up the heater and throw it back in the truck.  It was supposed to rain and then get really cold that weekend at the track, so it was a necessity.  It worked okay for us, but years later we noticed black soot in our canopy above where we put the heater, and we’d always leave the track with a cough… I think we’d knocked the good out of it.

But when we got to the track that day and unloaded everything, we realized there was a missing box that we are 100% certain was in the bed of the truck.  In the box were our rain boots, a poncho, and a half gallon bottle of gin my dad had bought for the weekend.  It did pour down rain, and it did get freezing cold that weekend.  It is quite possible that we answered the prayers of a man living on the streets of downtown Atlanta that weekend when we dropped that box out of the bed of our truck.

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